"Hitler's Priest, a captivating novel, offers its readers more than an
eye-opening and potent story: this book contains profound
observations and unforgettable life lessons. Thank you,
S. J. Tagliareni, for giving us this important novel."

—Arthur Kurzweil

American author, educator, editor, writer, publisher, and illusionist

Hans Keller is highly intelligent—so much so that he places little value in his studies or in religion. But after a chance meeting with the charismatic Josef Goebbels, a leader of the bourgeoning Nazi Party, atheistic Hans is offered a key role in shaping the future of the Nazis' new Germany: providing influence within the Catholic Church. As his thoughts become more clouded and his morals crumble, Hans finds himself immersed in a shadowy role of manipulation and deceit; he is becoming Hitler's priest.

Former priest S. J. Tagliareni offers a rare window into the psychological and moral conflicts raised by Nazi Germany and the Holocaust in his new thriller, Hitler's Priest.

   Author Salvatore Tagliareni                                  Also Available at:

Salvatore Tagliareni is a story teller, writer, business consultant, art dealer, and former catholic priest. For over twenty-five years he has private and public. . . outstanding performance.

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